Revamp it: A retrospect on the challenge of constant exercise

Hello Friends. What to discuss.  My absence is a given.  In life, we need a break sometimes…from writing, from fitness classes, from friends.  What I found out is this: You must return from your break at some point.  Face the reality of why you are breaking, and what it is you truly need. The problemContinue reading “Revamp it: A retrospect on the challenge of constant exercise”

Friends, groups, and like-minded people…

  This is my friend Carol who I adore.  She’s in one beautiful person in my circle and she belongs there. Recently,  I joined a fitness/diet circle and I realized that it was the wrong circle.  Why should it matter you ask?   Well it does matter?   Yes!!!!! In this circle, that I recently joined, mostContinue reading “Friends, groups, and like-minded people…”

Hocus Pocus, Toil and Trouble, Make Me skinny on the Double!

Sorry Babycakes!  It doesn’t work that way.  No work, no results.  That’s the cold hard TRUTH.  The problem is we can spin our wheels and what is that final STRAW? What broke some camel’s back to make you finally eat healthy?  Is the the consistent weight gain week after week?  Is it that your clothesContinue reading “Hocus Pocus, Toil and Trouble, Make Me skinny on the Double!”


Now that Valentines, is coming, this is the perfect time to start doing halfsies, with your best friends, your buddies, your boo or just yourself. Watcha talking about? Well, as you can see in this pic, I planned to eat the whole dang hotdog… realistically not a good idea if your practicing my new halfsiesContinue reading “Halfsies?”

Walk like a dream…

Kate Moss makes walking along a sandy beach seem so wonderful. You know why? Because it is! Walking and talking. Did you ever get on the phone and lie on the couch while talking to whoever? Next time, take your phone call outside and walk and talk for that hour. Without even thinking about it,Continue reading “Walk like a dream…”

Girl Fight

When I first joined the boxing class, it was an accident.  I thought it was kickboxing but it was boxing with gloves.  People were wrapping their hands and I almost walked out.  The boxing coach said, “Just try it.  You might like it. ”  Well I ended up loving it! 5 years later, I’m stillContinue reading “Girl Fight”

The Rough Day

We’ve all had those days… you know, the Rough Day.  Sometimes it’s not that bad, but for that day it all got to you.  You cursed the world and it cursed right back at you. In our world, everything is affecting us in a way that is only understandable in only in our own eyes. Continue reading “The Rough Day”

Be a Buddhist

Have you ever driven somewhere and realized that you were completely on autopilot and ended up going to the post office instead of your mom’s house? Or have you ever left your keys in your underwear drawer and wondered how they got there? If we were mindful of every action we took at the timeContinue reading “Be a Buddhist”

Envy and Competition

What is your drive? Is it a dose of healthy competition? OK unless you are a professional, you probably are not competing. However, all the douche bags out there asking you how much you bench press are asking to start a friendly conversation? Not so sure. Its hilarious when people ask me that. I canContinue reading “Envy and Competition”

Sense and Sensibility

The fight to write, or paint is the same as the fight to exercise.  People see these actions as something you do at your leisure.  When does the drive to do these things switch from want to need?  When your very well-being is dependent upon it. The fight will continue.  I guarantee it! People doContinue reading “Sense and Sensibility”